
How To Increase Your Commissions in Affiliate Marketing By Building An Opt-In List

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I have done a lot of research into money making opportunities, and I can honestly say that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to start earning money on-line. There are not many businesses where you can plan and quantify what your profit will be by studying your marketing methods and systems.

There is a great number of affiliate products on the internet which you can choose to promote and a varying amount of internet marketing strategies with which to promote them. All you need to do is to learn one or two effective strategies, implement them, and then track your progress.

The traditional method of affiliate marketing is where an affiliate directs a prospect to the product owner's website, the prospect makes the purchase and the affiliate gets the commission.
It can be very easy to make unlimited commissions through affiliate marketing if you make use of the right systems and strategies, but it will require work and time on your part. Please do not fall for the "make $30,000.00" overnight with the push of a button" sales talk. In my opinion, this is not possible unless you have a huge list of subscribers who are actively buying from your links. Please use your common sense when choosing which strategy to adopt.

Research has shown that 98% of people who visit a website do not make a purchase, and even if they make a mental note to return to that website at a later stage to complete the purchase, this seldom happens. Research has also shown that people only really purchase a product after seeing it several times. Because of this, you need a way to make contact with your prospects on a regular and ongoing basis, and by doing that you can build trust. Once trust has been established, your prospects will feel more comfortable about buying from you.
But how do you build trust to get a bigger portion of the 98% to buy? Simple - build an e-mail list. The first thing you need to do is sign up with a reputable auto responder service. Some of the better ones are Getresponse, Aweber or Autorespond.

You can then pre-load a series of informational emails into the auto responder and they will be automatically delivered to your prospect at pre-determined intervals.
This is all great, but how do you get people onto your list in the first place? You will need to get the people to want to be on your list. The only way of doing this is by having them request to be on your list - essentially they will be "opting in", and agreeing to receive e-mails from you on a regular basis.

The way you get them to opt-in is to offer them something of value for FREE. This could be something like a report, or an e-book or a video etc. which is relevant to the product which you will be selling. It is vitally important that you offer something of value and that is high quality! If you do not offer a good quality freebie, then your prospect will think that all the products that you are offering will be of the same quality, and they will never buy from you.

One piece of advice when setting up your e-mail series. Do not offer a product to buy in every e-mail. Offer some advice or give them some beneficial tips or hints - maybe even give something away every now and then. This will increase the chances of your prospect staying a subscriber of yours and will work much better than if you had to keep asking them to open their wallets.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make a living online, and once you have the tools, you can greatly increase your affiliate marketing commissions.
If you are currently using the traditional method of affiliate marketing, but find that your commissions are coming in a bit slower than you would like, you should be able to increase your commissions by building an opt-in list.

Using an auto responder is a great way to build and manage your opt-in list, and possibly the quickest and easiest way to increase your commissions.


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