Getting free website traffic is very important to any Internet marketer. You cannot rely on paid traffic alone and it can really take a chunk out of your profits. Most Internet marketing business models requires free website traffic in order to make it more sustainable.
But you won't be the only one competing to get free website traffic. There are a few million other websites on the Internet trying to get traffic. How can you win your competition and get the traffic to your site instead of theirs?
1. No Contents, No Dice
There's an old saying about on Internet about websites - content is king.
A lot of marketers might tell you otherwise, but you would be better off not listening to them. Regardless of what new gimmicks, loopholes or magic pills people are trying to sell to you, the universal truth still applies until today and will continue to do so in the future. Content is king. No amount of traffic, free or paid, in the world will do you good without good, proper contents.
2. What You Say?
We've established that content is important. But within your content is another critical element - keywords. You might be able to write an article showing people how they can win every single horse race bet, but if you never mention the keyword "horse race" even once in your article, chances are no one will ever find it.
It's important you find out what keywords people are searching for and use it within your contents. After all, a good content is one where people are looking for it. There are many tools you can use for keyword research, and one of the best is Google's very own external keyword tool.
3. What He Said?
Social networking sites like Facebook are extremely popular now. Facebook is currently the 2nd most visited site on the Internet right after Google. Humans love to hear what other people have to say. We're busybodies by nature, so we love to know what other people are up to - and you can leverage this curiosity to generate traffic to your site.
You can post an update in your Facebook, redirecting traffic to your latest blog post or your latest offer page. It's really as simple as that.
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